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In The News

We at Walk, For the Love are making headlines! Check out the latest news about our nonprofit organization and our mission to promote harm reduction and save lives. 

Harm reduction and naloxone are making headlines too~ check here for news articles, podcasts, movies, and anything related to our mission. 


We are in the news! 

Most recent news first:


Duluth News Tribune article from 4/29/24


RADIO discussion with Staci Drouillard on WTIP about our finish from 4/15/24


Video interview after we hit the San Luis Valley by the daily news journal, Alamosa Citizen



Radio discussion with Staci Drouillard on WTIP:


Podcast interview with Duluth Run Down from October:



Newpaper article from DNT 

from September, 2023

Duluth News Tribune article- Duluthians Walk Across US to Spotlight Opioid Fatalities


Radio discussion with Staci Drouillard on WTIP from September:


Video interview with Corey in Herkimer, NY from August



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